Intro to Networked Collaboration

My wiki experience…

I made significant edits to an entry on Gujarati cuisine because it was lacking a lot of information.  Gujarati cuisine refers to Gujarat which is one of the states of India.  I love all types of Indian food, and Gujarati food is probably significantly different from what you get at most Indian restaurants.  I wanted to add to this entry because this is part of my heritage even though I was born and raised in New Jersey.  I definitely will be going back to the entry to add even more information as I have time.  I am sure that there plenty of people out there that will correct my article and definitely will be able to add to it further.  There are so many varieties of foods that I did not get to cover even from this fairly small state in India because each region within the state has a slightly different style and specialty.  I am interested to see how the original author responds.  I think it feels good to have contributed to the “public domain” and I am relieved that this is a collaborative process because I definitely do not know everything about the topic.

I struggled a little bit to find references for my information, because much of it I considered as common knowledge.  I definitely would not be breaking the “no new research” rule of wikipedia, but it will be interesting to see what happens to the article.  Nothing has changed so far, but I will continue to keep an eye on it.  I hope my mom will be proud.  Haha.

October 13, 2008 - Posted by | collaboration, tools and methodologies | ,

1 Comment »

  1. I have made a few further refinements to the wikipedia article since I originally posted it. I have become more familiar with the how to use the syntax so it is a little easier now. No one has undone my changes so I guess that is a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing because my changes could not have been bad, and a bad thing because maybe there aren’t too many people viewing this article. That maybe because people are not interested in Gujarati cuisine. At least I know that I can send family members the link if they need help explaining to their friends what Gujarati cuisine is about.

    Comment by unoq | December 13, 2008 | Reply

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