Intro to Networked Collaboration


This video reminded me so much of those installations at MoMA that feature a lot of loud, crashing noises–girls smashing windows while looking angelic, a woman brushing her hair and making groaning noises, etc. I liked it very much, and was immediately drawn in when the words “Electronic Superhighway” appeared on the screen, because they so perfectly encapsulate the world of the internet, especially the aspect of streamed/streaming video. I loved the flashing images on the screen, and kept pausing it, trying to pick apart screen shots of computer programs that I recognized. I also found the video to be both sexy and of course, highly sexualized. If I had one beef with the piece, it would be that the background noise is a bit irritating, like white noise that’s been amped up way too high.

May 1, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment