Intro to Networked Collaboration

Jumpcut debrief

I really enjoyed the jumpcut process.  I’ve made a film before in film class, but it required super expensive software.  Now I can make little film clips for free!

The sharing/edit process was interesting too.  Our group met in Second Life after Rafi’s lecture and decided to do “landmarks from around the world” theme, since we are all in different places (or correction, we could be in different places, but in reality, I’m the only person in our group not in New York).  Then we all experimented with finding photos and jumpcut and discovered that we didn’t really know how to use it or share the video.

On one day, we tried to meet again to discuss our progress in Second Life but that didn’t work cause Arielle’s computer wouldn’t support Second Life.  Next we tried a three-way Skype conference call, then a chat in AIM, but failed to be able to converse with more than two of us a a time.  However, I did get to meet both Stephanie and Arielle over Skype separately which was fun.  I had already met Stacey in our first Skype project.

So after asking Josephine how to share the jumpcut, I put together several images of natural landmarks is distinctive natural forms and send it to my group.  Stacey did a cool interjection of buildings within this clip I had sent.  I saw she had edited my transitions & effects, and at first I was surprised, but then I liked the changes, and realized that that was the point of sharing the video anyway.

Stephanie added an interesting bit from her trip to Japan, while Arielle added the New York scene & some clips from Israel.  I thought the dance club music was a humorous accompaniment to the Italian masterpieces show.  Stacey added a France bit, then we had a botanical garden from I don’t know where, a California show, and I added an Alaska bit.

I wanted to Remix the Alaska scenes in, but felt overwhelmed by the amount of images that everyone had added.  I also ran in to some glitches where if I added an effect or image in the middle of already existent ones, sometimes only half the image of all the remaining ones would show, or the music wouldn’t play.  Even just adding the wrong effect to your own video sometimes skews the remaining images so only half of each image shows.  I also noticed that some of my images sneaked into the earlier video without me consciously doing that;  I think there is a lava shot in the middle of the New York tour.

All in all, this was a fun project and I will enjoy exploring Jumpcut and making more use of it for future educational or inspirational endeavors.

Our project can be viewed here.

December 16, 2008 - Posted by | final, mashup

1 Comment »

  1. Hi Plumeria, I love the alaska photos! I’m very happy with how our project has turned out… Hope you and the other team members are too.

    I did want to comment that I had similar difficulties with the sound and adding transitions and effects to the photos in jumpcut. I originally wanted to intercut my images in a similar way to my original remix of Plumeria’s first post but found it too difficult. I think jumpcut would benefit from having more detailed instructions available on the site. I know at one point I tried looking for help with a feature and did not find adequate information. But again aside from these issues overall it was a good experience and now we have something fun to share with others.

    Comment by Stacey | December 16, 2008 | Reply

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